Roger and Kay Hallenbeck were married in 1972. They met through a singles club function while he student taught in Great Bend and she worked as a nurse. After some double dates, they began dating one another steadily and knew marriage was right for them. Theirs was truly a “‘til death do us part” marriage, which continued until Kay passed away five years ago. Today, Roger carries Kay in his head and his heart. Losing a long-time spouse is one of the most traumatic events a person can endure. Darkness and despair can engulf the remaining spouse as they struggle to envision life on their own. Roger visited with the Great Bend Tribune in August and shared how strong friendships and caring family members were vital to helping him find his way back into the light. Today, Roger’s daily mission is to spread positivity to others, and to keep it going
Positive thoughts make for a positive journey
Widower honors memory of his wife through positive actions