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A few tips will help the Great Bend Tribune Local Life department handle your Local Life announcement more efficiently. Deadline is 8 days prior to Sunday’s Local Life section (Friday at noon)
- Type or print your information, as errors are prevalent when handwriting is difficult to read. Information may be edited to maintain our format and guidelines. (Phone numbers are required for confirmation.)
- Deadline for all announcements is noon Friday, eight days prior to publication of Sunday’s Local Life section.
- If a photo is included, please be sure to include first name and last name of the individual(s) in the photo.
- Photos should be close-up head shots.
Information and/or pictures may be e-mailed to the Local Life department at All e-mails must include a credit card number, expiration date, CID, and address of the cardholder for verification. Photos should be scanned in a jpeg format, 241 dpi and sent as an attachment. - Please fill out the attached sheet of information.