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No means no!
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To the Editor:

Jo Ann Roth and I have campaigned for the State Legislature as a husband and wife team. Jo Ann loves visiting with voters and I the day-to-day grind.

When the voters in Jackson County, Mo., voted down a sales tax increase to renovate Arrowhead Stadium, NO meant NO! During a Special Session of the Kansas Legislature passage of a Star Bond proposal supported by the Scope and Score Lobbyist group hired by the Kansas City Chiefs Leadership to build a new stadium on the Kansas side of the border prevailed over the Incumbent’s NO vote.Did he mean it?  Read his Facebook page calling Star Bonds corporate welfare, bragging he voted NO even on the $4 billion dollar battery plant under construction in De Soto, Kan. and vowing to vote NO on all Star Bond Economic Development Projects.

Jo Ann Roth has a positive view of Economic Development, which promotes Hope in our future!

There are less than two weeks left to Election Tuesday. For some of us, two weeks to make calls, knock on doors and talk with friends. But for many others remaining days are full of anxiety and fear. Fear that the results could lead us toward a path for our country which we can barely imagine.

I understand this. But today I tell you that we need not fear! We are flowing in rivers of History at this moment! As we are in the middle of the currents we sometimes lack perspective. But if we take a moment ...

Who among us, three years ago, would have Predicted that the Kansas legislature, in Spring 2022, would have the arrogance to place an abortion ban on a ballot! Who among us would have Predicted that the US Supreme Court in June 2022 would have had the arrogance to overturn Roe! And who among us would have Predicted that the Kansas response to these actions would be? ... NO!!

And the nation’s eyes turned to Kansas!

Have faith and Prepare to Win!

Kent Roth
