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Alzheimer’s Association seeks volunteers
Larea Cravens Angela Sycz
Angela D. Sycz, left, is shown with Larea Cravens, signing up to get involved with this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Sycz and other organizers of the annual event met Tuesday at Gambino’s for a volunteer recruitment event. - photo by Susan Thacker

Missy Zimmer, area program specialist with the Alzheimer’s Association, likes to ask prospective volunteers, “If it isn’t you, then who?” She invites people to join the cause or to suggest someone who might be interested. After all, she said, pick any two people and at least one of them is bound to be affected by Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia – as a patient, caregiver or loved one.

Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects nearly 7 million Americans. There is no cure, but the association hopes to change that by funding research as well as providing support and information.

Prospective volunteers were invited to a come-and-go recruitment event on Tuesday evening at Gambino’s Pizza, where they could pick up information, sign up a team for this fall’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s, or learn about other opportunities to volunteer.

Larea Cravens, 85, volunteered for several groups over the years and was among those to attend and sign up. Among other things, she has been an ombudsman at River Bend for 25 years. Chris Ripple from the Great Bend Pilot Club also signed up, as the Pilot Club continues to be a sponsor of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

Angela Scyz, who organizes several Alzheimer’s Association events in Great Bend, said supporters hope to expand awareness opportunities to a wider audience, appealing to more men and younger people. For example, she wants to organize a car show.

“There are so many different ways to get involved and they don’t have to take a lot of time,” she said.

They’ve started a support group that meets from 2-3 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Volunteers in Action office at 1025 Main, Great Bend. The next meeting will be March 5.

“A compassionate ear goes a long way,” Scyz said. This is an in-person support group for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementia in collaboration with Volunteers in Action (sponsored by Barton Community College). Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.

Another event coming up next month is a Sip & Paint at Dilly & Doc Creative Studio, 1119, at 6 p.m. on March 13. Participants will bring the Alzheimer’s “Promise Garden” to life on canvas and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Alzheimer’s Association.

The Promise Garden depicts four stylized flowers that represent the collective fight to end Alzheimer’s. The color of each flower represents a different individual:

• Blue – Living with Alzheimer’s

• Purple – Lost someone to the disease

• Yellow – Caring for a loved one

• Orange – Supporting the cause 

The cost to attend the Sip & Paint is $45 per person, which includes painting supplies, an adult beverage, and snacks. Seats are limited and can be reserved at

Sometime this fall – the date has not been set – Great Bend’s annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s will take place. The new Walk manager is Annalynn Kirkhart. Although she was unable to attend Tuesday’s meeting, she can be contacted by email at

The Walk is a fundraiser but also raises awareness, Zimmer said. Team captains and people to walk on teams are needed, along with other types of volunteers. “We still need day-of volunteers,” she said.

Other support

“People need to know that we’re here and available for them,” Sczy said. “It’s not easy taking care of a loved one or a friend who is suffering from the disease.”

The Alzheimer’s Association also offers a 24/7 Helpline, 800-272-3900. Scyz said the service is multilingual. When she needed to find someone who could speak to a family member in Polish, the helpline was able to accommodate them.

While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, the Alzheimer’s Association’s ultimate goal is to find a cure. Scyz noted that two drugs have now been approved for people diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and a third drug is in the pipeline. These drugs may slow or help manage changes in memory and other thinking skills.

“Progress is being made nationally and locally,” Scyz said, citing the support group as local progress.

The Department for Aging and Disability Services now offers the Kansas Respite for Alzheimer’s & Dementia Program (K-RAD), a resource for family caregivers with limited access to respite care. It was created to provide relief to unpaid caregivers of individuals with a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia.

The 13th annual Kansas Education Conference on Dementia is set for June 26 at the Kansas Star Event Center in Mulvane.