Alternate funding for runway reconstruction at the Great Bend Municipal Airport will be discussed at the next Great Bend City Council meeting. The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 3, at City Hall. The meeting will be livestreamed on the City Council Facebook page,
According to the agenda, Airport Manager Martin Miller will report. Due to delays in FFA funding for this previously approved crosswind runway reconstruction, Miller will seek the City Council’s approval to request alternate funding authority through the Kansas Congressional delegation.
In other business, John Worden, administrator of The University of Kansas Health System - Great Bend campus, will present a hospital economic impact study.
Other items on the agenda include closing Main Street on May 3 for the Cinco de Mayo parade; purchasing a truck for the Park Department; and an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. The executive session was removed from the Feb. 18 agenda when the meeting was shortened due to the coming winter storm. The council will also hear an administrative update from City Administrator Logan Burns and the monthly report from Great Bend Economic Development President Sara Arnberger.