LARNED — The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has announced a public hearing for Innovative Livestock Services LLC’s proposed new feedlot in southeast Pawnee County. The hearing will be held Tuesday, March 25 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Larned Community Center, 1500 Toles Ave.
The purpose of the hearing is to inform the public of a Kansas Water Pollution Control Permit, A-UAPN-C009.
The proposed feedlot near the Zook Community would have a capacity of up to 88,000 head of beef cattle weighing more than 700 pounds each. When constructed, the facility will consist of open lot pens, a commodity storage area, collection channels, five sediment basins and four waste storage ponds.
Legal description of the location is Section 23 and the southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 23 South, Range 16 West in Pawnee County.
A public comment period on the application and a proposed new Water Pollution Control Permit runs through March 15, with written comments to be submitted to the KDHE Division of Environment, Bureau of Water at 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612-1367. Copies of the permit application, draft permit and other documents may be viewed in person at the Topeka office by scheduling an appointment or requested by writing to KDHE, Livestock Waste Management Section, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 430, Topeka KS 66612 or via telephone at 785-296-6432 or fax 785-559-4258.
A copy of the permit application can also be found on the KDHE website at Appropriate copying charges will be assessed for each request.
The public hearing has been scheduled in conformance with Kansas Administrative Regulation 28-16-61.
Informal session
Prior to the hearing, an open informational session will be available where representatives from KDHE will be able to answer questions regarding the permitting process and specific questions regarding the facility. The informational session will be at the Larned Community Center from 5:30-6:15 p.m. on March 25.
The hearing, which is to inform the public, stakeholders and regulated community about the permit, will consist of outlining the proposed facility and permit, and then it will be opened to public comment.
Questions or written comments should be directed to Casey Guccione, BEFS-Livestock Waste Management Section.
Individuals are also encouraged to participate in the public comment period by its deadline, or at the end of the public hearing.