“A Toddler’s brain creates up to two million new connections every second,” – 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. Our young families are enjoying Story Hour every Monday 10-11 a.m. Come join us, the more the merrier!
Tuesday evening at 5:30, Recently Reading book group met for the second time. Many authors and books were discussed:
• “Just for the Summer” by Abby Jimenez. Jimenez was an author that others had read many of her books and believed her a very good author.
• “Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah, a World War II story. Other books by Hannah were discussed with a mixed reaction. Overall her books are well liked.
• “Becoming the Talbot Sisters: A Novel of Two Sisters and the Courage that Unites Them” by Rachel Linden
• “The Rose Legacy, Sweet Boundless, & The Tender Vine” A historical fiction trilogy by Kristen Heitzmann set in the gold mine country of Crystal, Colorado
• “Why Can’t I Be You” by Allie Larkin ignited a conversation about how the cover of the book can keep you from reading a really good book.
• “Susanna Wesley - Servant of God” by Sandy Dengler, An inspirational book of the “Mother of Methodism.
Upcoming Events:
• Story Hour Monday Mornings 10-11 a.m.
• New Year - New Books, Book Challenge
• Every Wednesday (except 3rd Wednesday) - ESOL with Rachel Sandoval 6 p.m.
• March 25 - Recently Reading book club 5:30-7 p.m.
• March 26 - 3-5 p.m. - Knead to Know, Jennifer Gleason from K-State extension. Sourdough Bread and Assisted Technology are the topics for the day. What is assisted technology? This is a chance to see and use a basket of tools that will help you open that jar or peel a potato. It is a chance to try out helpful ways to do your daily tasks and see what helps you do those tasks easier and with less pain. This afternoon will let you handle some of the newest and handiest gadgets without investing your hard earned money only to find it doesn’t work for you.
• The First Friday committee is busy lining up great evenings for our community to enjoy. At this time, the months are April, May, June & August on the first Friday of each month. Plan to attend fun evenings at Nora’s Place and enjoy events with your community. Save the dates! Taxidermy, Kansas Tourism, Barry & Meta West, and Celebrate Stafford Football are the programs in month order. Stay tuned for more information.
The next board meeting will be March 12 at 6 p.m.
Gerry Hildebrand is the head librarian for the Nora Larabee Memorial Library. Phone 620-234-5762, email larabeelibrary@gmail.com or visit Facebook at Nora Larabee Memorial Library.