ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.
The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Chairman Stanford called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, and Todd Wycoff.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the minutes of the Feb. 5th session. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the tax roll corrections. Motion carried 3-0.
Shannon Snyder, Health Director, advised the commissioners that she is using the Public Health Infrastructure Grant to attend a breastfeeding training class. This will allow her to offer more advanced breastfeeding counseling services. She will also use those funds to have Kayli Kisner attend an advanced billing class. This will enable her to be able to assist Shannon with the billing and eventually take over that process.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to recess into executive session for 20 minutes pursuant to the attorney-client privilege exception to discuss a legal matter. Motion carried 3-0. In at 8:40 a.m. Out at 9 a.m.
Ryan Witt, Noxious Weed, presented the annual Noxious Weed Eradication Report. He also presented his 2025 Noxious Weed Management Plan. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to sign the reports as presented. Motion carried 3-0.
Gina Schwein, Communications, met with the commissioners to discuss dispatch services.
Phillip Nusser, Road & Bridge, advised the commissioners that the fuel tanks at the shop have been cleaned and one was found to be deteriorating and rusting. Discussion was held regarding having the tank coated or replaced with a new one. Phillip will check details and pricing on both options.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.