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Stafford County budgets discussed
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ST. JOHN — Here are the draft minutes to Wednesday’s Stafford County Commission meeting.

The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, May 29, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Wycoff called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Todd Wycoff, Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, Alice Lockridge.

Darren Reed, Solid Waste, presented his 2025 budget proposal for $170,582.00 which is down from $181,682 in 2024. The difference is due to the extra $25,000.00 budgeted for 2024 for the above grade expansion plan expense combined with higher fuel, tire, and material expenses. Discussion was held regarding the revised above grade plan.

Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to recess to executive session for 10 minutes pursuant to the preliminary discussion of acquisition of real estate exemption to discuss land acquisition. Motion carried 3-0. In at 8:49 a.m. Out at 8:59 a.m.

Carl Miller and Ryan Witt joined the meeting to discuss future plans for Planning and Zoning in the county. Carl has handled Planning and Zoning within his Appraiser Department which will change in 2025 when Planning and Zoning will be split out into a separate department. Ryan will be working with Carl for the remainder of 2024 and will take over the Planning and Zoning Department for the 2025 year. A budget request for the department for 2025 was submitted.

Pattie Fensky, Stafford County Conservation District, presented their 2025 budget request. They are asking for $25,000 which is the same as 2024. She also went over the activities of the Conservation District for the past year.

Phillip Nusser, Road & Bridge, presented his 2025 budget request for $3,159,200 which is up from $2,962,700 in 2024. He went over the changes which are due to higher supply, materials, and equipment costs. Phillip also presented an easement from Quivira Ranch Inc. granting permanent easement maintenance access to the county at the SE/4 of 27-22-11 where a new bridge is to be constructed. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve Chairman Wycoff to sign the deed. Motion carried 3-0. Phillip also advised that the department has started mowing and they are preparing mix to begin overlaying roads.

Wendy Lockwood, Center for Counseling, presented the allocation request for 2025. She explained that they have become a pre-Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic as of April 2024. She also went over the breakdown of services offered by the Center and highlighted services they are currently providing in Stafford County.

Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve the tax roll corrections. Motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve the minutes from the May 22nd session. Motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve 2023-year end transfers 2024-9 through 2024-17. Motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve the repair estimate from Damm Body Shop in the amount of $1,032.65 to repair the 2019 Ford F-150 Sheriff Department pickup which was struck by a deer. Since the lowest repair estimate was under the deductible this repair will be paid from the County Risk Management Reserve Fund. Motion carried 3-0.

During the meeting payroll and accounts payable vouchers and checks were signed from the following funds:

General - $205,271.28

Road & Bridge - $115,432.38

Health - $14,995.01

Rural Fire - $12,328.49

Noxious Weed - $4,435.64

Appraiser - $13420.50

Solid Waste - $9,584.22

EMS - $40,207.08

Motor Vehicle - $2,281.85

PHEP Grant - $149.61

Clerk Tech - $622

E911 - $7,253.49

Sp Law Enforcement - $150

COVID-19 Grant - $2,123.03

Total - $428,254.58

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.